Petersen International Underwriters
Petersen International Underwriters administers their own insurance products similar to other insurance providers. PIU is a Lloyd’s cover holder. Lloyd’s holds the risks underwritten by PIU through the products that PIU designs. Peterson is categorized in the US as a Surplus Lines Broker. Their financial strength lies in the Lloyd’s market, their primary underwriter. Through education, training, and marketing support, PIU reaches out to all insurance agents to assure that they help their clients secure their incomes.
Expert Reviews
Noticeable Features - Friendly customer service
- Offers unique plans for green card holders with higher coverage
Limitations - Lengthy paperwork process for Bridge Plan
Expert Opinion
PIU and its plans specialize in coverage for disability, ransom, recent immigrants ages 60+, clients awaiting Medicare eligibility, business loan failure to survive, brand protection, and key person failure to survive.
Company Information
USTIA Member
Established in
BBB Rating
Emergency Assistance Number
Contact Information Petersen International Underwriters
23929 Valencia Blvd. Second Floor
Valencia, CA 91355
Ph: 1-800-345-8816
Fax: 661-254-0604