Who Needs Pre-Existing Conditions Coverage?

Updated on January 24, 2023

In your search for visitors insurance, you will come across many different types of coverage, from hazardous sports coverage to emergency evacuation. If you are in seemingly good health at your time of purchase, a type of coverage that you may overlook is pre-existing conditions coverage.

In the insurance industry, a pre-existing medical condition is defined as a medical condition, diagnosed or undiagnosed, that existed in a person before the insurance policy became effective. Pre-existing conditions can vary widely from diabetes and heart conditions to asthma and chronic pain.

Though most travel insurance plans won't include pre-existing condition coverage, there are a few highly rated plans that do include this coverage.

As we age, the incidence of medical conditions becomes higher, so plans that include re-existing conditions coverage are recommended for senior travelers, even if it seems that you are in good health when you plan your trip.

It's important for all travelers to thoroughly assess their health before traveling and purchasing travel insurance. The key benefits of plans with pre-existing conditions coverage may include emergency transportation, emergency room treatment and hospitalization. Make sure to research each plan carefully to ensure you have the coverage you need.

With any plan, it is imperative that you thoroughly read and understand not only what is covered, but more importantly, what is not covered. Different visitors insurance plans may limit pre-existing condition coverage differently so it is important to do your research to make sure your plan meets your specific needs.

Every traveler should consider their health before embarking on a new journey and consider plans that offer pre-existing conditions coverage.

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