Patriot America Lite Insurance

Patriot America Lite Insurance provides comprehensive medical coverage for travel to the USA for individuals and families who live outside the USA. After the deductible is satisfied by the insured person, this insurance plan pays 100% within the PPO network, up to the policy maximum. The plan provides travel medical protection including out-patient treatment, in-patient treatment, emergency services, emergency medical evacuation, and more. Patriot America Lite Insurance covers trips between 5 days to 12 months at a time. The plan can be renewed for a maximum of two years.

Expert Reviews Why Trust this Review?

Noticeable Features
  • Comprehensive travel medical insurance for an affordable premium
  • Deductible is required once per policy period
  • PPO Network

  • Low policy maximum for ages 80+
  • Maximum 2 years coverage
  • No coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions
  • Does not cover COVID-19

Expert Opinion
Patriot America Lite Insurance is best suited for international travelers visiting the US or outside their home country. This policy also meets the requirements for Schengen Visa Travel Insurance if the U.S is the primary destination. A visa letter for visa purposes can be provided.

Overall Ratings

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Patriot America Lite Insurance?

Plan Highlights

AM Best Ratings
Type of Coverage
Who Can Buy It
US & non US citizens who live outside the US
Contact Information
Coverage Duration
5 days to 2 years
Refund Policy / Look-up Period
Providers Network
Emergency Assistance Numbers
SiriusPoint Speciality Insurance Corporation
Provides Coverage for
USA or International
Not Available for Purchase in
NY and MD
Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions

How to Buy Patriot America Lite Insurance?

Disclaimer: Information presented here is high level and for your convenience only; it may not be accurate and is subject to change. Please review your policy document or brochure for the terms and conditions, a detailed description of coverage, benefits, limitations, and exclusions.
How Much Will Your Policy Pay?
Estimate how much the insurance will pay for covered medical service.